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February 2022 Product Update

For many businesses with a large number of stores/locations, managing forecasts at a store level is difficult. 

Additionally, forecasts generated on store-level sales data may be unreliable. For this reason, we have added the forecast disaggregation feature to the advanced forecasting module. This feature will improve your forecasting performance across multiple locations.

A new feature added to the advanced forecasting module!

The module now consists of:

  • Multi-item manual forecast adjustments
  • Group seasonal forecasting
  • Forecast downloads and uploads
  • Forecast disaggregation

This video gives you an overview of the feature and its benefits:

Netstock App terminology changes

You asked for more intuitive terminology, and that’s what we’ve done. To see the changes click here

Policy override enhancements

Policy overrides can now be disabled. This is particularly useful if you want to disable a rule for a period of time. Previously you had to delete a rule and then set it up again – remembering where in the sequence to place it. The next new feature discussed below takes this a step further.

Override rule start and end dates

Examples of how the Start date and End date-selectors can be applied are shown below

Enhanced edit screen

Editing Policy overides.

Please note that we’ve changed the “Sequence” number to a “Priority” number. The priority number works in the same way as the sequence number.

Rules run from the lowest to the highest priority. The highest priority will apply if there happen to be any conflicts in the rules.

New policy override features


Additional updates

  • Manual forecasts will now be remembered at regions, even if forecasts are consolidated
  • The stock projection module now shows demand adjustments to explain the timing impact of stock non-availability
  • Locations can now be marked as non-ordering locations to prevent the creation of new orders
  • The “New” product status will now exclude any raw materials, products that supply other locations and those with minimum stock levels
  • The linear trend forecasting method has been refined to ignore sales history more than 2 years old
  • It is now possible to delay the deletion of stock data that is no longer being provided (rather than delete it immediately)
  • For DEAR integrations,
    • we have added the ability to consolidate multiple DEAR instances into a single Netstock instance
    • we have introduced an efficiency measure to significantly reduce the data extraction time (gradual rollout of this feature is underway)
  • The app will now remember which unit of measure each user last selected on the forecasting page

Forecasting (central warehouse)

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