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March 2020 Product Update

More updates to the Netstock app: Adding individual items to an order

Adding individual items to an order

You can now add any item to an order, even if it normally comes from another supplier or warehouse. This should make life a little easier for those of you that are using alternate suppliers more than usual due to current market conditions.


If you see the warning message, tick the new checkbox to allow the item to be added.

Validation of user email addresses

You can now bypass the email address validation when creating new users.


Please only use this if you are certain the email address is correct. Saving an invalid email address may result in delivery problems for all emails sent to your company.

Access to the Supplier Performance module

For those of you with the optional Supplier Performance module, we’ve just made it possible for Restricted users to access it, provided they have some form of access to all locations. This brings it into line with the Stock Projection module.


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