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May 2020 Product Update

More updates to the Netstock app: Daily re-forecasting for new items

Daily re-forecasting for new items

Introducing a new setting to generate more responsive forecasts for newly added items.


Tick this checkbox to generate a fresh forecast every day for items that registered their first sale in the current month.

Additionally, for items that started selling within the last few months, we’ll do a daily re-forecast during the second half of the month (once the current month’s daily selling rate is deemed reliable).

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Netstock now offers two-factor authentication for enhanced security.

You can find this new account-level setting within the Access tab on the Configuration page.


Should you enable this feature, all users will be required to use verification codes from a mobile authentication app to log into Netstock. Guidance is provided as you enable the feature including an instructional email to all users.

Visualizing forecasting performance for an item

The table showing forecasting attempts (or “shots”) for an item could be difficult to interpret. To help with this, we created a new chart to visually contrast historical forecasts with actual sales.


You can compare the sales history (in blue) with the average forecasting attempt (in green) to get a quick sense of forecasting performance. The band of forecasting attempts over time for each month is shaded in grey, which helps to understand how much the forecast is changing over time.

The old table is still available as a drop-down panel on the top left of the tab.

Filtering on the forecasts for a location

The filters you apply when viewing a location’s forecasts are now preserved when you click through to the “Sales exceed forecast” and “Forecast exceeds sales” reports. This might save you some time if you’re often working with subsets of items.

Demand streams in the Stock Projection module

We adjusted the presentation of demand streams in the optional Stock Projection module for improved clarity.


The first row is now clearly the combined value from forecasts and future dated customer orders. The value of customer orders themselves is still shown, but below the total row as it doesn’t contribute twice to total demand.

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