Netstock announces the launch of Excess Redistribution. Read More Contact Us


Quickly place the perfect order every time

Bring your data-driven inventory policy to life, actioning the most important purchase orders first. Automatically drive every order to achieve the most balanced and optimal inventory holding for your business.

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Improve inventory ordering
Netstock product ordering dashboard

Auto-generate orders you can trust

Create balanced and optimized orders for every item, built on the data-driven inventory policies you create within Netstock. Generate recommended purchase orders, work orders for production, and distribution plans to restock inventory across your network, ensuring the correct inventory lands in the warehouse at exactly the right time.

Prioritize critical orders

Prioritize business-critical orders

Get a focused view of the orders you need to make today. Netstock uses predictive modeling to forecast upcoming stock-outs and automatically classifies every item based on sales value and velocity, providing a prioritized queue of business-critical orders.

Avoid stock-outs with predictive forecasting

Anticipate supply risk to avoid disruptions

Avoid stock-outs with predictive forecasting and planning tools that automatically adjust order recommendations in real time. Netstock uses AI-powered modeling and demand sensing capabilities that account for dynamic demand and supply risk.

Optimize shipping spend

Optimize shipping costs

Strategically fill containers with additional top-up orders of other items that will require re-ordering soonest, optimizing your shipping spend and avoiding ordering excess stock.

Netstock one-click ordering

Manage by exception & place one-click orders

The easy-to-use Netstock interface makes it fast and simple to review auto-generated orders and manage by exception, fine-tuning orders with business expertise. Netstock automatically batches orders for true one-click order placement.

Integrate inventory ordering with your ERP

Seamlessly integrate order data for faster inventory optimization

Netstock automatically sends order information back to your ERP system, creating a seamless loop of real-time inventory visibility and insights that power smart inventory optimization.

Designed for the executive team

View our Executive Dashboard

See everything Netstock can do for you

Ready to get started?

Discover how Netstock’s Predictive Planning Suite™ accelerates inventory planning.

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