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Netstock enhances its forecast engine functionality

More updates to the Netstock app: Advanced Forecasting Module

This month we officially released the Advanced Forecasting Module, designed to complement and extend Netstock’s existing forecasting functionality. At release, we’ve included two core features: multi-item forecast adjustment and group seasonal forecasting.

At Netstock, we believe that every company deserves the right to survive during challenging times, and it’s our mission and responsibility to provide inventory planners with the right tools to achieve that. Our development team has been working hard to add extra functionality to the new forecast engine that we launched in December 2019 to help our customers prepare smarter, more accurate forecasts. You can read the full related product update here.

We’re pleased to announce the additional functionality available now:

Group seasonal forecasting article

Multi item manual forecasting article

We believe these additional features will have a significant impact on forecast accuracy, and we look forward to seeing the benefits that our customers will derive

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