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6 steps to inventory optimization

Inventory is the lifeblood of your business. Strategically managing your inventory to optimize cash flow and product availability is crucial. By fully controlling your inventory levels, you can minimize waste while maximizing profitability. So, how do you achieve this perfect balance?

Plumblink’s warehouse and inventory management journey

We recently hosted a webinar with Oswald Abrahams – executive IT, and Luvuyo Mgidlana – commercial and operations director of Plumblink, where we unpacked their inventory and warehouse management journey to date. They’ve learned lessons along the way that could add value to companies embarking on a similar journey. This article discusses the challenges they faced, the steps they took, lessons learned, and the success they achieved in their operations.

Identifying and managing supplier risk

Suppliers are a fundamental link in the supply chain over which you, as a business, have little control. There is always the inherent possibility that deliveries will not be on time, and even if they are, they may not be complete in terms of what you ordered.

Tips on running a successful remote-first business

The advent of the internet and the development of security protocols enabling sensitive data such as credit card information to be safely transmitted across the web – opened up the opportunity for retail companies to start virtual retailing (online stores). 

Is software ownership a thing of the past?

Many senior managers that were born in the ’60s or ’70s were taught by their parents that it was better to buy software, buildings, and other assets to reduce the expenses incurred in interest and grow the capital value of the business. 

One size does not fit all – Classify your inventory

Throughout our lives, from the cradle to the grave, we are classified – classified according to our age, sex, religion, political views, demographics, hobbies, opinions, dietary choices, and many more. These classifications are used by companies to sell or market to us, or to determine our risk factors.